Presentations and Abstracts |
Poster Session Abstracts |
Year 3 Advances in Two Components of the Integrated SNG Program: Geomorphic Impacts and Flow Regime Alteration. Context and introduction to the approaches followed. M. Lapointe, Theme Leader,
McGill University |
Using Natural Flow Classes to Estimate Hydrologic Alteration by Dams across Canada, a HydroNet Study. F. McLaughlin and M. Lapointe, McGill University. |
Remote Sensing of River Structure in the Context of Mapping Hydraulic Habitat at the Reach Scale. F. Hugue and M. Lapointe, McGill University. |
Geomorphic Controls on Physical Habitat Variability in a Hydropeaking System. A. Tamminga, H. Buehler, L. Winterhalt, and B. Eaton, University of British Columbia |
NSERC Canadian Network for Aquatic Ecosystem Services. P.R. Peres-Neto, Université du Québec à Montréal. |
The Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network II. L. Johnson, Université Laval. |
How does Flow Regulation Affect Riverine Fishes? R. Cunjak, Theme Leader, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick; R.G. Randall, K.D. Clarke, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; and F. Hicks, University of Alberta. |
River Ice Observations on Small Regulated and Unregulated Streams in New Brunswick, Canada. J. Nafziger, University of Alberta; P. Thoms, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick; J. Banack, F. Hicks, University of Alberta; and R. Cunjak, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick. |
The Effects of Flow Regulation on the Dynamic Winter Ice Processes of the Kananaskis River. S. Emmer, J. Nafziger, F. Hicks, M. Loewen and V. McFarlane, University of Alberta. |
Winter Condition of Atlantic Salmon Parr and Pre-Smolts Experiencing Hydropeaking Flow Regimes. S. Vue, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick; K. D. Clarke, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; and R.A. Cunjak, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick. |
How does streamflow regulation affect fish population dynamics? A.R. Hards, R. Cunjak, University of New Brunswick. |
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the Upper Lillooet River Basin, British Columbia: Enhancing our Understanding of the Effects of Hydropower Development and Operations on Fish Populations. C.M. Bettles, SNC Lavalin Environment; and E.B. Taylor, University of British Columbia. |
Innovative Lake Trout Spawning and Incubation Investigations and New Information Related to the Effects of Winter Drawdown on Lake Trout in Northern Reservoirs. B. Schonewille, B. Snow and P. Tobler, EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. |
Field and Laboratory Assessment of Turning Pool Hydraulics in a Vertical Slot Fishway Relative to Fish Passage. A. Marriner, A.B. Baki, D.Z. Zhu, University of Alberta; J.D. Thiem, S.J. Cooke, Carleton University; C. Katopodis, Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd. |
Biological Evaluation of Upstream Lake Sturgeon Passage at the Vianney-Legendre Fishway.J.D. Thiem, Carleton University. |
NSERC HydroNet: a Glimpse into the Future. D. Boisclair, Université de Montréal, S.J. Cooke, Carleton University, R. Mclaughlin, University of Guelph, G. Bourque, I. Dolinsek, G. Guénard, G. Lanthier, and C. Senay, Université de Montréal. |
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