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Atelier de réseautage HydroNet CRSNG
Date : 29 au 30 novembre 2010

Lieu : Delta Centre-Ville (St-Laurent Room, Mezzanine), Montréal, Québec
Liste des Présentations (disponibles en anglais)
Effects of flow variation on fish assemblage structure and microhabitat use. (G. Grossman*, University of Georgia)
Strategies for making a regional assessment of the impacts of dams. (J. Schmidt*, Utah State University)
NSERC HydroNet Potential Sites (D. Boisclair*, Université de Montréal)
Productive Capacity of Fish Habitats (D. Boisclair*, Université de Montréal)
NSERC HydroNet: SNG Site Selection process (M. Lapointe*, McGill University)
NSERC HydroNet : Productive Capacity of Fish Habitats . (D. Boisclair*, Université de Montréal)
Chemical drivers of the productive capacity of fish habitats (J. Rasmussen*, University of Lethbridge)
Flow regime of natural versus regulated rivers, and Long-term physical transformation of regulated rivers (M. Lapointe*, McGill University)
Effects of dams on the thermal regime of rivers. (A. Saint-Hilaire* and al., INRS-ETE)
Winter stressors for fish in rivers, and Egg survival in response to river regulation (R. Cunjak*, University of New Brunswick – Canadian Rivers Institute)
Thermal regime in regulated rivers and effects on fish growth (M. Power*, University of Waterloo)
Effect of biodiversity on fish production and trophic structure (J. Rasmussen*, University of Lethbridge)
Hydroacoustic mapping of fish in the pelagic zone of reservoirs (G. Rose, Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Modeling of fish productive capacity in lakes and reservoirs (D. Boisclair*, Université de Montréal)
Imagery of littoral physical characteristics in lakes and reservoirs (N. Bergeron* and al.,INRS-ETE)
Hydraulic/biological evaluation of upstream sturgeon passage (S. Cooke* and al., Carleton University)
Hydraulic modeling of physical conditions in reservoirs, and Study of fish behaviour and thermal requirements in reservoirs (S. Cooke* and al., Carleton University)
Presentation of the Center of Expertise on Hydropower Impacts on Fish and Fish Habitat (CHIF) projects (K. Smokorowski*, DFO-CHIF)
NSERC HydroNet conceptual models (D. Boisclair*, Université de Montréal)
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