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Les comités de projets élaborent et conduisent les projets; suggèrent des modifications aux projets au comité de gestion de la recherche ; se rapportent au comité de gestion de la recherche par des présentations écrites et orales; proposent des étudiants qui pourraient bénéficier d’un support de HydroNet CRSNG pour effectuer des stages; encouragent les étudiants à participer au symposium annuel de HydroNet CRSNG.

Le comité de projets est composé des coordonateurs de  projet, des participants et des collaborateurs de projets de recherche individuels.

Table des comités de projets
(disponible en anglais)
Code Title Project Leader(s) University
1.1.1 Productive capacity of fish habitats in rivers. More Info D. Boisclair Université de Montréal
1.1.2 Information needs for regulators (DFO-CHIF - NSERC HydroNet collaboration)More Info M. Bradford Simon Fraser University
1.2.1 Chemical drivers of the productive capacity of fish habitats.More Info J. Rasmussen University of Lethbridge
1.3.1 Flow regime of natural versus regulated rivers.More Info M. Lapointe McGill University
1.3.2 Effects of dams on the thermal regime of rivers.More Info A. St-Hilaire & N. Bergeron Institut national de la recherce scientifique
1.3.3 Long term physical transformations of regulated riverine habitats: Effects of changes to flow and sediment regimes caused by dams on physical structure of downstream river and floodplain habitats.More Info M. Lapointe McGill University
1.3.4 Winter stressors for fish in rivers: The effects of flow regulation.More Info F. Hicks and R. Cunjak University of Alberta; University of New Brunswick
1.4.1 Egg survival in response to river regulationMore Info R. Cunjak University of New Brunswick
1.4.2 Thermal habitat stability downstream of hydroelectric structures: Implications for growth in forage and migratory species.More Info M. Power University of Waterloo
1.4.3 Effect of regional differences in fish biodiversity on fish production and trophic structure.More Info J. Rasmussen University of Lethbridge
1.4.4 Learning from success: Hydraulic and biological evaluation of upstream sturgeon passage at the Vianney-Legendre Fishway.More Info S. Cooke Carleton University
1.4.5 Trophic connectivity (DFO-CHIF - NSERC HydroNet collaboration).More Info K. Clarke University of Waterloo
2.1.1 Hydroacoustic mapping of physical conditions with a precision and frequency to study interactions at the scale of habitat patches.More Info G. Rose Memorial University of Newfoundland
2.1.2 Metrics of productive capacity in shallow areas of lakes and reservoirsMore Info D. Boisclair Université de Montréal
2.2.1 Hydraulic component: developing a model of entrainment risk based on hydraulic conditions and forebay geometry.More Info D. Zhu University of Alberta
2.2.2 Biological component: strategies to reduce entrainment risk based on the behaviour and thermal requirements of fish.More Info S. Cooke Carleton University
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