Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB
Présentations et Résumés (disponibles en anglais) |
NSERC HydroNet : A national research network to promote sustainable hydropower in Canada. * Dr. Daniel Boisclair and al. Université de Montréal. |
DFO's Center of Expertise on Hydropower Impacts on Fish and Fish Habitat (CHIF) : Projects in support of HydroNet's Objectives. CHIF research. * Dr. Karen E. Smokorowski |
Acoustic measures of fish distribution, abundance, movement and habitat in Manitoba lakes.
* L. Wheeland; R. Pollom; Dr. G.A. Rose, Memorial University of Newfoundland. |
Comparing relative fish density estimates from electrofishing and visual surveying methods.
* C. J. Macnaughton; S. Harvey-Lavoie; G. Lanthier; C. Senay, Dr. Daniel Boisclair, Université de Montréal. |
Response of Arid River Fish Assemblages to Environmental Flow Regulation. * K.B. Gido, Kansas State University, Manhattan. |
Development of metrics relating flow alteration impacts to river food web dynamic.
* Dr Jérôme Marty(1), Dr. Michael Power (2), Dr. Karen Smokorowski (3) and Dr D. Planas(4).
(1)St. Lawrence River Institute, Cornwall, ON; (2) University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON; (3)Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Burlington, ON;
(4) UQAM, Montreal, QC. |
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow through Bar Racks in Closed Conduits. * S. Paul; H. Ghamry, Freshwater Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Winnipeg, MB. |
Hydraulics Component Overview of the BC Hydro Fish Entrainment Study. *C. B. Robertson; M. T. Langford; Dr David Z. Zhu, University of Alberta. |
Behaviour and passage success of fish using a vertical slot fishway in Quebec: case studies incorporating a single and multispecies approach.
* J. D. Thiem, T. R. Binder, J. W. Dawson, P. Dumont, D. Hatin, C. Hatry, C. Katopodis, K. Smokorowski, K. Stamplecoskie, D. Zhu and S. J. Cooke. * Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Carleton University, Ottawa ON Canada. |
Hydraulic Measurements in Reservoirs: Capabilities and Limitations. * Mathew T. Langford; C. Beth Robertson; Dr. David Z. Zhu, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta. |
Saskatchewan Protocol Agreement - A Cooperative Approach to Prioritizing & Managing
Fisheries Issues at Power-generating Facilities. * Rick West, SaskPower and Darcy Lightle, DFO. |
Resizing a river : using experimental management to develop a downscaled environmental flow regime for the Lower Bridge River or Does more water mean more fish ? * Mike Bradford, DFO; Paul Higgins, BC Hydro; Josh Korman, Ecometric Research. |
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