Presentations and Abstracts |
Evaluating Flow Ramping Effects at Run-of-River Hydroelectric Projects (A. Lewis*, K. Healey, P. Gibeau, Ecofish Research Ltd.; and S. Babakaiff, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural
Resource Operations) |
Standardized Methods for the Long-Term Monitoring of Run-of-River Hydropower Facilities in British Columbia and the Yukon: Summary and Preliminary Results (A. Harwood*, A. Lewis, and
S. Faulkner, Ecofish Research Ltd.) |
HydroNet's Network Structure (D. Boisclair, U Montréal)
Productive Capacity of Fish Habitats (D. Boisclair, U Montréal)
Nutrients as Chemical Drivers of Fish Productivity: Comparing Regional Differences in Fish Biomass – Total Phosphorus Relationships for Lakes and Rivers (J.B. Rasmussen, University of
Lethbridge) |
Flow regimes of natural versus regulated rivers. (M. Lapointe, McGill University) |
Understanding the Relation between Geomorphic Processes and Aquatic Ecosystems (B.C. Eaton*, University of British Columbia; and M.F. Lapointe, McGill U) |
Winter Stressors for Fish in Rivers (F. Hicks and M. Loewen*, University of Alberta) |
Flow Regime and Fish Community Density (C.J. Macnaughton*, G. Bourque, and D. Boisclair, U Montréal) |
Can Measurements of Stress Biomarkers of a Top Predator Help Assess the Effects of High Daily Flow Variations in a Hydro-Peaking River? (S. Harvey-Lavoie* and D. Boisclair, U Montréal) |
Variability of Fish Production: Nutrients as Chemical Drivers across Diverse Regions (C. Good* and J.B. Rasmussen, U Lethbridge) |
Flow Regimes of Natural versus Regulated Rivers across Canada: Project Proposal and Preliminary Results (F. McLaughlin* and M. Lapointe, McGill U) |
Physical Habitat below a Hydro-peaking Dam: Examining Progressive Downstream Change and the Role of Tributaries (L. Winterhalt*, B.C. Eaton, UBC; and M. Lapointe, McGill U) |
Use of Remote Sensing and Modelling to Assess Morphologic Change as a Result of a Hydropeaking Dam (H. Buehler*, B. Eaton, UBC; and M. Lapointe, McGill U) |
Mapping Fish Habitat Downstream of Hydro-dams in Canada: Estimation of Possible Long-term Modifications and Assessment of the Current Hydraulic Geometry Conditions (F. Hugue*, M.
Lapointe, M. Kalcska, McGill U; and B.C. Eaton, UBC) |
River Ice Observations on Small Regulated and Unregulated Streams in Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Alberta, Canada (J. Nafziger*, J. Morley, S. Emmer, F. Hicks and M. Loewen, U Alberta) |
Modelling Instream Flow Effects on Juvenile Salmonid Capacity in Small Streams: Do Habitat Suitability Curves Systematically Underestimate Optimal Flows? (J. Rosenfeld, B.C. Ministry of Environment) |
How does flow regulation affect riverine fishes? (R.A. Cunjak, University of New Brunswick – Canadian Rivers Institute) |
Fish Passage in Canada – State of the Science with Particular Reference to Lake Sturgeon (S.J. Cooke*, J.D. Thiem, C. Hatry, Carleton University; D. Zhu, U Alberta; J. Dawson, Carleton U; K.
Smokorowski, K. Clarke, DFO; C. Katopodis, Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd.; P. Dumont, D.
Hatin, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune; A. Haro, T. Castro-Santos, USGC; R.
Wilson, and A. Gleiss, Swansea University) |
Survival of Incubating Atlantic Salmon Eggs as a Function of Hyporheic Water Quality and Flow Regulation (P. Thoms*, T. Linannsaari, A. Fraser, UNB; R. Randall, DFO; and R.A. Cunjak, UNB-CRI) |
Others Presentations |