Presentations and Abstracts |
Winter Condition of Atlantic Salmon Parr and Pre-smolts Experiencing Variable Stream Flows (S. Vue*, UNB-CRI; K. Clarke, DFO; and R.A. Cunjak, UNB-CRI) |
Effects of Hydroelectric Dam Ramping Rate Regimes on the Length-Weight Relationships of Four Freshwater Fish Species (B. Kelly*, University of Waterloo; K. Smokorowski, DFO; and M. Power, U Waterloo) |
Biology of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) Spawning below a Dam on the Richelieu River, Quebec: Endocrinology, Behaviour, and Egg Deposition (J.D. Thiem*, Carleton U; P. Dumont,
D. Hatin, MRNF; G. Van Der Kraak, University of Guelph; and S.J. Cooke, Carleton U) |
Trends in Fish Passage in Canada and a Case Study on Redhorse (Moxostoma sp.) Passage at a Vertical Slot Fishway (C. Hatry*, Carleton U; K. Smokorowski, DFO; and S.J. Cooke, Carleton U) |
A Field Study of the Hydraulics at the Vianney-Legendre Vertical Slot Fishway, near St. Ours, Quebec (A. Marriner* and D. Zhu, U Alberta) |
Mesoscale Modeling of Littoral Habitats in Reservoirs (D. Boisclair, U Montréal) |
Productivity of Freshwater Ecosystems: An Acoustics Approach (G. Rose*, L. Wheeland, and R.A. Pollom, Marine Institute of Memorial University) |
Hydroacoustic Mapping of Fish Habitat Use in a Hydropower Reservoir (L. Wheeland*, R.A.
Pollom and G.A. Rose, Memorial U) |
Using Hydroacoustics to Spatially Quantify Productive Capacity in Freshwater Ecosystems (R.A. Pollom, Memorial U) |
Entrainment Vulnerability of Bull Trout and Burbot at the Mica Dam (Kinbasket Reservoir, B.C.) (E.G. Martins*, Carleton U; P.M. Harrison, U Waterloo; L.F.G. Gutowsky, S.J. Cooke, Carleton
U; M. Power, U Waterloo; and D.A. Patterson, DFO) |
Hydraulic Modeling for Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems (D.Z. Zhu*, Mat Langford, Beth Robertson, Rashed Islam, Adam Marriner, Abul Baki, U Alberta; Alf Leake, Paul Higgins, BC Hydro; Steven Cooke, Carleton U.) |
Adfluvial Adult Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Depth Distribution and Diel Vertical Migration across Multiple Seasons (L.F.G. Gutowsky*, Carleton U; P.M. Harrison, U Waterloo; E.G. Martins, Carleton U; A. Leake, BC Hydro; M. Power, U Waterloo; and S.J. Cooke, Carleton U) |
Seasonal Shifts in Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) and Activity Patterns of Burbot (Lota lota) in a Large Hydropower Reservoir: Implications for Entrainment Risk (P.M. Harrison*, U Waterloo; L.F.G. Gutowsky, E.G. Martins, Carleton U; D.A. Patterson, DFO; S.J.C. Cooke, Carleton U; and M. Power, U Waterloo) |
Reservoir Thermal Structures in Kinbasket Reservoir (C.B. Robertson*, M.T. Langford, and D.Z. Zhu, U Alberta) |
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Headpond Hydraulics and Bed Shear Stress at Aberfeldie Dam on the Bull River, British Columbia (M.T. Langford*, M.R. Islam, C.B. Robertson and D.Z. Zhu, U Alberta) |
Some Hydraulic Aspects of Nature-like Fishpasses under a Fish Habitat Compensation Project
(A.B. Baki*, D.Z. Zhu, G. Courtice and N. Rajaratnam, U Alberta) |
Life before Water Use Planning (H. Smith, Chubra-Smith Holdings) |
Life during Water Use Planning (D. Ohlson, Compass RM) |
Life after Water Use Planning (P. Higgins and A. Leake, BC Hydro) |
Using Stable Isotopes and Stomach Content Data to Compare the Food Webs of a Regulated and Unregulated River of South-Central Newfoundland (J.M. Brush*, M. Power, U Waterloo; J. Marty, St. Lawrence River Institute; K.D. Clarke and K.E. Smokorowski, DFO) |
Low Stream Flows: Making Decisions in an Uncertain Climate (D. Turner*, Simon Fraser University; M. Bradford, DFO; J. Venditti and R. Peterman, SFU) |
Previous Presentations |