Research > Components
Component 1.4 : Biological Drivers of Productive Capacity
Objectves :
The objectives of the Biological Drivers of Productive Capacity component are :
- to quantify the relationship between egg survival of spawning fishes and the environmental attributes associated with flow regulation from hydroelectric activities in rivers
- to establish how PCFH is influenced by the number of species present in a community, how this effect differs across geographic regions, and how it affects the trophic relationships within the community
- to determine the concordance between changes in downstream thermal regimes and the consequences for fish growth and,
- to evaluate the hydraulic and biological conditions that favour or deter the upstream passage of sturgeon at the Vianney-Legendre Fishway(Quebec), and to integrate such biological and hydraulic knowledge to serve as a model for future fish passage research on a range of species across Canada
Students Projects:
Project Title | Supervisor(s) | University | Student | Collaborators |
Assessment of the winter condition of Atlantic salmon parr and pre-smolts experiencing hydropeaking flows | R. Cunjak & K. Clarke | University of New Brunswick | Sherr Vue (M.Sc.) | Mactaquac Biodiversity Centre (DFO) |
The physiological, behavioural and morphological responses of fishes to streamflow alteration and the consequent effects on population dynamics | R. Cunjak | University of New Brunswick | Adrian Hards (Ph. D) | T. Benfey & J. Houlahan (UNB) |
Effects of hydro-electric dam ramping rate regimes on fish growth, condition and habitat use | M. Power & K. Smokorowski |
University of Waterloo | Brianne Kelly (Ph. D) | Brookfield Renewable Power, Natural Resource Solutions Inc., CHIP-DFO |
Effect of regional differences in fish biodiversity on fish production and trophic structure. | J. Rasmussen | University of Lethbridge | Preston Lennox (Ph. D) | |
Behavioural and biomechanical aspects of fish passage in lake sturgeon | S. Cooke & J. Dawson | Carleton University | Jason Thiem (Ph. D) | MRNF (P. Dumont) and Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd (C. Katopodis) |
Advancing fishway science in Canada | S. Cooke & K. Smokorowski | Carleton University | Charles Hartry (M.Sc.) | CHIP-DFO ; MRNF (P. Dumont & D. Hatin) |
The hydraulics of Vianney-Legendre fishway and its operation optimization for fish passage | D. Zhu | University of Alberta | Brian Adam Marriner (M.Sc) |
Carleton University (S. Cooke) |
Assessing How Variable Flow Regimes Influence the Feeding Ecology of Fishes and Food Web Structure of River Communities | M. Power | University of Waterloo | Jaclyn Brush (Ph. D) | Department of Fisheries and Oceans ( Keith Clarke) |